Prof  Mike Ozekhome, SAN, CON, OFR, SAM, SANS, FCIArb, LL.B (Hons), BL, LL.M, MA (HC), Ph.D, LL.D, D.Litt, D.A, JD, D.Phil, D.Arts, HonDL, DHL, D.Sc, DLE, KSM, DSSRS, is a leading Constitutional Lawyer; Human Rights Activist; Pro-Democracy Campaigner; Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON); Officer of the Federal Republic (OFR); Professor of Constitutional Law; Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN); Senior Advocate of the Masses (SAM);  Senior Advocate of Nigerian;  Social Critic; Public Affairs Analyst;  Pro-masses Advocate; Knight of Students (SANS); Voice of the People (VOP); Bencher; Notary Public of Nigeria; Patriot; Pan-Nigerian; Pan-Africanist; Author; Researcher;  Scholar; Court Room Gladiator;  Multi-Columnist; Philosopher;  Thinker; Motivational Speaker, Knight of the Order of St. Mulumba (KSM); Chartered Arbitrator; Conciliator;  Negotiator; and, Mediator.

As a student and lover of law, philosophy, logic, sociology, classics, literature, history, public affairs, good governance and the scriptures, Ozekhome has a way with words. He possesses profound oratorical skills which enable him strike the right chord when he speaks, while painting mentally-recorded pictures with words. His deep erudition and intellectual dissemination of ideas and strongly held opinions are a marvel to behold.



The legal icon hails from Iviukwe town, near Agenebode, in Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. His late parents, High Chief Abu Ozekhome and Chief (Madam) Alimoh Abu Ozekhome, though of humble backgrounds (not being endowed with material wealth), were keen lovers of education and knowledge. They were respected Chiefs and venerated Community leaders. The duo greatly inspired the young Mike and nurtured him with the best virtues and traditions of nobility, character and integrity that humanity can bestow – fear of God, honesty, humility, good conscience, hard work, selflessness, philanthropy, service to humanity, courage and daring bravado.



This pro-masses prodigy attended St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Iviukwe, and St. Peter’s College, Agenebode, both in which he made the best graduating results in 1969 and 1974, respectively. He later briefly attended the Baptist Academy, Lagos, in 1975; before being admitted to the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife. He graduated in law in 1980, at the tender age of 23, even after losing one academic session to enable him change from his original English language course to law. Law had always been his dream and passion right from childhood. He was called to the Bar in 1981, after passing the Bar exams at the Nigerian Law School, Lagos. Ozekhome later obtained his Ph.D degree in Constitutional Law from Alliance International University, Lusaka, Zambia.

Prof Mike Ozekhome holds the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons) degree; Barrister at Law (BL); 2 Master’s degrees in Law (LL.M); and another Master’s degree of Arts (M.Arts ). He is also a recipient of 15 honorary Doctorate Degrees (honoris causa), including a Ph.D by thesis from the Alliance International University, Lusaka, Zambia. These degrees include Doctor of Laws (LL.D); Doctor of Letters (D.Litt); Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil); Doctor of Business Administration (DA); Doctor of Jurisprudence (JD); Doctor of Arts (D.Arts); Doctor of Science (D.Sc); Doctor of Leadership and Entrepreneurial Studies (DLE); Doctor of Humane Law (DHL) etc, from various Universities spread across the globe – Nigeria, USA, United Kingdom, Israel, Zambia, Turks, Carcos Island; and Belize, Central America.



Ozekhome has been awarded over 21 Fellowships in various fields of human endeavour. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitration (FCIArb); Fellow, Academy of Entrepreneurial Studies (F.AES); Fellow, National Institute for Education and Research (FNIER); Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Management (FNIM); Fellow, Institute of Management Specialists (UK)(FIMS); Fellow, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators (F.chMC); Fellow, Institute of Corporate Affairs Management (F.ICA); Fellow, Institute of Trade and Management of Nigeria (F.ITMN); Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International (PHF); Fellow, Professional Excellence Foundation of Nigeria (F.PEFON); Fellow, Institute of Management Professionals (FCIAMP); Fellow, International Association of Research Scholars & Administrator (FIARSA); Fellow, Chartered Institute of Human Capital Development of Nigeria (F.hcd); Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC); Fellow, Centre for Leadership and Entrepreneurial Development (FCLED); Life Fellow, International Biographical Centre (IBC)(LFIBA); Fellow, Institute of Leadership (Assessment and Development Nigeria) (FILAD); Member, Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (MNIPR); Distinguished Service Star of Rivers State (DSSR); amongst others. He is also a Honorary Special Marshal, an honour conferred on him by the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).


Amongst others, Ozekhome is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA); Counsel at the International Criminal Court, the Hogue; Member, Advisory Board of International Human Rights Commission (IHRC); Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA); African Bar Association (A.B.A); Pan African Lawyer Union (PALU); American Bar Association (ABA); Ambassador for Peace, by the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace; member, International Society of Diplomats; Body of Benchers; Nigerian Bar Association (NBA); National Executive Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (NEC); Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI); Rotary International; Island Club; Usagbe Club of Nigeria; Etsako Club ’81; Amnesty International; Ambassador/Patron of the Association of Proprietors of Private Media Establishment of Nigeria (APPMEN); etc.


Ozekhome’s university externship was always with fiery Peoples lawyer, late Kanmi Isola-Osobu. He first served the Nation during his NYSC with the Ministry of Justice, Yola, in the then Gongola State. He was later posted to the Federal Ministry of Justice, Lagos, where he was seconded to the then National Provident Fund, Lagos (now known as Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund). Ozekhome simultaneously practised with the famous Gani Fawehinmi Chambers during his leisure times.

By 1982, Dr Mike Ozekhome was back to Ife to pursue his Master’s degree programme in Law. He also simultaneously lectured as a Graduate Assistant. Thereafter, Ozekhome briefly taught the same subjects – Constitutional Law, Nigerian Legal System and Law of Equity and Trusts – at the same University of Ife (OAU). Many of his students are today Justices and Judges of all courts in Nigeria, including appellate courts; Senior Advocates of Nigeria; Professors of Law; top Entrepreneurs; Diplomats; Captains of Industry; and top military brass. Ozekhome later left the University environment and want back to the vibrant and pro-masses chambers of the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi, wherein he worked, first, as a Junior Counsel and later as a Senior Counsel. Ozekhome finally rose to the highest position of Deputy Head of Chambers by 1985, during which time he assisted Gani in the founding of the now famous Nigerian Weekly Law Report (NWLR).


Ozekhome, a Counsel at the International Criminal Court of Justice (ICC), The Hague, Netherlands, in 1986, founded the law firm of Mike Ozekhome’s Chambers, with thriving offices in Lagos, Abuja, Benin City and his home town, Agenebode. His law firms handle many cases pro-bono. Ozekhome deploys law as an instrument of socio-economic and political engineering at reforming the society. He has handled and continues to handle many defining landmark and epochal cases that have shaped and broken new legal grounds in law and jurisprudence before appellate courts in Nigeria, thus helping to enthrone a conducive environment for the practice and sustenance of human rights, rule of law, democracy and good governance. 


The renowned Author and television celebrity has actively participated in all the National conferences and conversations of 2005, 2009 and 2014, all geared towards re-engineering the Nigerian project.

In 2005, he was a federal government delegate to the National Political Reform Conference, (NPRC), representing Civil Societies. In 2009, he was a federal government delegate to the Vision 2020 Conference, to help chart a course for making Nigeria one of the twenty leading economies in the World by the year 2020. He had earlier in 1994 helped to reform the Nigerian Customs Service as a member of the Customs Reform and Restructuring Panel. In 2001, Ozekhome chaired the federal government panel that recalled many lecturers and students who had been politically and unjustly victimized and rusticated during successive military dictatorships.

At the 2014 National Conference where he was a federal government delegate, he was named the “Cicero of the 2014  Conference”, by the Conference leadership, due to his sterling performance and contributions at plenary and Committee sessions. 

  1. PIONEERING HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM IN                                                                                 NIGERIA

Mike Ozekhome later emerged as one of the pioneers of organized human rights activism in Nigeria, when on October 15, 1987, co-founded the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), the very first human rights league in contemporary Nigeria. He subsequently in 1998, co-founded the Joint Action Committee of Nigeria (JACON), with the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi as the National Chairman. Ozekhome was the National Vice Chairman (publicity and publications). He had, earlier in 1992, solely founded the Universal Defenders of Democracy (UDD), an international human rights league that was launched by the late Justice (Dr) Akinola Aguda. Ozekhome also solely founded the Democratic Rights Agenda (DRA) and Peace Initiative (PI), a peace-building and conflict-resolution body. Ozekhome later founded the Mike Ozekhome Foundation (MOF), an NGO solely dedicated to philanthropy to pull out from the doldrums, the poor, homeless, sick, widows, youth and the most vulnerable members of the society.


Ozekhome was arrested and detained on several occasions, beginning from 1986, during the Babangida military junta, when he challenged the IBB military regime on its then mulled intention to remove Petroleum subsidy. Some of his arrests and detentions which were graphically captured in the 1989 report of the  Humans Rights Committee based in New York (“Arrest And Detention of Judges and Lawyers”), were all on account of his fiery pro-masses struggles and human rights and pro-democracy activism, during and after despotic and repressive military juntas. He was honoured with the Peter Benenson Human Rights award.

Prof Ozekhome, has over the years spoken truth to authority, and challenged dictatorial anti-people decisions of any government in power, and insisted that the primary purpose of government which is security and welfare of the people cannot be compromised on the altar of fear, intimidation, sentiments and sheer emotion. An anti-corruption Czar who first propounded the theory that corruption is the 37th State of Nigeria, the wealthiest and most potent (which must therefore be killed before it kills us), Ozekhome however kicks against impunity in fighting corruption and insists that such fight against corruption must never be wantonly deployed to decimate the cherished rights, freedoms and liberties of the citizenry. He insists that corruption must be fought within laid-down parameters of constitutionalism, respect for human rights and the rule of law. Ozekhome’s crusades go beyond merely answering the questions; he also occasionally questions the answers. In discussing national issues with uncommon passion, vigour and zeal, Ozekhome does not leave any stone unturned and any turn unstoned to attain national resurgimento.

Ozekhome’s incredible passion for justice has pitched him now and again with the authorities and ruling powers. He fights for the defenceless. He gives voice to the voiceless; empowers the weak, the poor, the denied, the pauperized, the traumatised, the marginalized and the hopeless. He fights for the oppressed, the hapless, the repressed, the subjugated and the ignored. Ozekhome defends and rekindles hope for the forgotten and struggling members of the hoi-polloi – the Frantz Fanon’s “Wretched of the Earth”.

No words can more perfectly describe this legal prodigy than those of the “Northern Youth Initiative for Peace and Good Governance” (NYIPGG), when it conferred on Dr Ozekhome the “National outstanding Leadership Award, 2017 As Icon of Societal transformation”, in Abuja, on 6th October, 2017. It wrote of Ozekhome in its citation, as follows:

“Integrity, credibility and success are not bestowed but are basically earned through an articulated vision, dint of hard work, professionalism and dedication. These are the variables upon which Prof Mike Ozekhome the Constitutional lawyer and human rights activists daily life revolves.”


Prof Ozekhome has received well over 400 awards and honours locally and globally. He is a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary International. He is an International Ambassador of Peace, honoured with the award of Global Peace-Loving Citizen of the World, (GPLCW), the highest honour given out by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). He is also UN Ambassador [Eminent Peace]. He is an honorary citizen and recipient of the keys to the City of Atlanta in the State of Georgia, USA; and the City of Dallas in the State of Texas, USA, (2002).

Some other notable awards include Ambassadorship of Nigeria at the World Forum in Cambridge, Oxford, England, Boston and San Francisco, USA. Ozekhome holds the Globe African Heroes Award by COGAI, in collaboration with RIM, by which award he was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Pan-African heroes. He has also been inducted into the American Hall of Fame by the American Biographical Institute (ABI), USA. He was consecutively named ‘Ambassador of Nigeria’ by the World Forum Federation (WFF) for the years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. He is “Legal Icon of Nigerian”, an award by Classic Africa Merit Award Organization. Ozekhome holds the African Legacy Award; Global Leader of Integrity Merit Award by Proven Integrity; and Ecowas Distinguished Corporate Achievers Gold Award.

Ozekhome is a recipient of numerous awards, including the Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe Unity Award as the “Omeziri Ndigbo 1 Na Nigeria”; the Herbert Macaulay Leadership Award; the  Sir Ahmadu Bello Sardauna Platinum Leadership Award; the J.S. Tarka Leadership Award of Excellence as the “Warrior of Peace”; Northern Youth Council of Nigeria Leadership Award; the Distinguished Alumni Award” by the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State; the Obafemi Awolowo University Distinguished Great Ife Alumnus Award; the Northern Women Assembly (NOWA) Gambo Sawaba Award of Excellence as Icon of Peace; National Association of Oduduwa Students Merit Award as ‘Defender of Justice’; the Senior Advocate of the Year Award, by the National Crimewatch; the West African Law Students Association (WALSA)-Global Impact in the Legal Profession award as the best West African Legal Practitioner; Leadership Impact Africa award as Outstanding Constitutional Lawyer of the year and Ambassador of Human Dignity); the Enyi  Ndigbo award by Nzuko Umunna, at a Handshake Across Nigeria summit in Enugu, Honorary, Life Membership Award by the Nigeria-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCCI); Outstanding Humanitarian of Africa award in recognition of his noble service to humanity, by the International Royal Academy of the United Nations of Education, Technology, Business Art & Culture, Law & Humanity, Excellence Award by NBA, Gwagwalada Branch- Chief Judge Annual Lecture and Merit award. etc.

Award of Honour for his Selfless Service to the People of the Ancients and Humanity in General, by The Peoples Assembly, Grand African Leadership prize for Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in service 2024, by Leadtimes Africa Magazine, Distinguished Leadership Award, by Abuja Leadership Centre, University of Abuja; the Arewa Youth Council of Nigeria Award; Epitome of good leadership award of excellence and ambassador of peace by Fellowship of Christian Students; Honourary award for immense contribution to the furtherance of human rights advocacy in Nigeria by Simplex Academy Niger; Special Recognition award for love and contribution to educational development in Nigeria, by Pacesetters Schools, Abuja; Award of Honour as Icon of Peace Ambassador, by Association of Students Peace Ambassadors (ASP); Award of Honour for being the ambassador of hope to millions of vulnerable Nigerians and for selfless service to humanity in general, by Global Hope and Justice Inc; Icon of Humanitarian Service award, by the National Association of Northern Nigerian Students (ANNS); Certificate of Appreciation, by Association of Students Peace Ambassadors (ASP), Peoples Man of the Year, 2020/2021, by African, Development and Empowerment Merit Award; Global Leaders of Integrity Merit award, by Proven Integrity Communications Network Ltd; inducted into the NAN’s Hall of Fame as ‘Emissary of Global Justice’; and  also inducted into the Halls of Fame of the National Association of Polytechnics Students (ASUP); the African Students Union Parliament (ASUP); and the Nigerian Youth Parliament. Ozekhome has also been honoured with the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Award of Excellence; the African Global Integrity Award; Globe African Heroes Award; Impact Humanity Achiever Award; African Child Price Award; Lifetime Achievers in Legal Profession and Integrity Award; the Afenmai Sons and Daughters Worldwide Award of Honour; the Law Students Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) Award of Excellence; and one of the leading Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) by Gem Communications. Ozekhome who was Amnesty International’s Legal Adviser for many years, has also been honoured with the awards of Business Hallmark People of the Year Award (2019); DAAR Communications of the Year Award (2021); African Watch Gold Merit Award (2017; ECOWAS Heroes Award; the Hero of Democracy; Niger Delta Excellence; Ambassador/ Patron of the Association of Proprietors of Private Media Establishment of Nigeria (APPMEN); Plaque for Justice Champion Awardby Association of Proprietors of Private Media Establishment of Nigeria (APPMEN); Senior Advocate of the Year Award” by  National Crimewatch; Legal Icon in Nigeria, by Guardian Newspapers; Icon of Peace; Icon of Societal transformation; Medal AwardInternational Commission on Human Rights; Most Outstanding Young Person in Nigeria, by Jaycees International (1998); the Usagbe Club of Nigeria award in recognition of his collaboration towards Afemai Infrastructural & Human Capital Development; Plaque for Justice Champion Award by Association of Proprietors of Private Media Establishment of Nigeria (APPMEN); 17th Efficiency Award for Excellence” by SB E-News- Sbevent Magazine, “Lifetime Achievement Medal Awardby SB E-News- Sbevent Magazine,  5th Convocation Lecturer Awardby Augustine University, (AUI) Ilara-Epe, Lagos State; Most Outstanding Legal Luminary Achievement Awardby Eminent personality of the year 2023 Award- The message International, “Human Rights Lifelong Leadership Honour” (Public Interest & Leadership Category), By Nigerian Human Rights Conference, “Peace Ambassador” by Word of Life Christian Fellowship, “Most Distinguished Human Rights Advocate Award” by Digivation Future Summit & Awards, “Afrila Lifetime Achievement Hero’s Award”, by African Legendaries Magazine (AFLEMA), “Award of Appreciation” by International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria, at FIDA Nigeria side event at the Nigeria Bar Association Annual General Conference, Lagos, 2024.;  “Merit Award” by Chief Emeka Anyaoku, GCON, GCVO, CFR, CON- Former Secretary General, NYSA, “Award of Appreciation” by the Catholic Herald Magazine, etc.


  1. Zoning to Unzone – The Politics of Power and the Power of Politics in Nigeria.
  2. Nigeria, We Hail Thee
  3. Personal Property Law in Nigeria
  4. Commercial and Economic Law in Nigeria
  5. Mike Ozekhome: Portrait of an Enigma
  6. The Nigerian law of Evidence Book
  7. The Doctrine of Separation of Powers
  8. Good Governance (Volume I – II)
  9. Constitutionalism and the Constitution (Volume I – IV)
  10. The Anti-Corruption War: Fiction or Reality
  11. Nigeria in the Throes of Insecurity
  12. Fundamental Human Rights and their Enforcement (Volume I – II)
  13. A Peep into Nigeria’s Security Agencies
  14. Elections and Electoral Process
  15. Nigeria in World Affairs
  16. The Travails of the Rule of Law
  17. The Legislature as an Arm of Government
  18. The Executive as an Arm of Government.
  19. The Judiciary as an Arm of Government (Volume I – III)
  20. Politics and Political Class (Volume I &II)
  21. Democracy or Demoncrazy
  22. Nigeria’s Unforgettable Events
  23. The Role of Media and Civil Society in a Democracy
  24. Federalism and its Practice in Nigeria
  25. The World of Prominent Personalities
  26. Religion as the Opium of the Masses
  27. The Nigerian Project: The Past, Present, and Future
  28. Codification of Weppa-Wanno Native laws, Customs and Traditions.
  29. The future of Weppa Wanno Kingdom.
  30. Weppa Wanno Culture and Traditions. Reviewed and researched by High Chief Mike A.A. Ozekhome, LL.M, LL.D.
  31. History and Civilization of the Edo North People.
  32. The Ozekhome Dynasty and its Historical Evolution.
  33. Benin Kingdom: From Ancient to Modernity.
  34. Unraveling the Hero, Athekha, the First Son of Ukwe.
  35. Nigerian Law of Contract
  36. The Nigerian law of Locus Standi.
  37. Nigerian Company and Partnership Law and Practice.
  38. Nigerian Law of Evidence – Cases and Materials.
  39. The Law of Bail in Nigeria.
  40. Echoes of the Rule of Law
  41. How Buhari Misgoverned Nigeria
  42. The Media and Civil Societies
  43. My Thoughts on Prominent Personalities.
  44. Nigeria’s Political Titans.
  45. The Media and Civil Societies in a Democracy
  46. From Grace to Grass and From Grass to Grace
  47. How Ideas Changed Our World
  48. Leadership By Example
  49. How To Succeed: Strategies and Tactics of Avoiding Failure.
  50. Mike Ozekhome, SAN: Portrait of an Enigma, by Dr Isah Aliyu and Olaniyi. G. Akanji.
  51. Mike Ozekhome, SAN, in the Eyes of the Law, by Mrs Bashirat- Biobaku – Fawehinmi
  52. Mike Ozekhome, SAN, The Legal Colossus – Select Lectures, Speeches and Articles, by Mrs Bashirat- Biobaku – Fawehinmi
  53. Laws and Politics of Elections in Nigeria: An Expose of the Political intrigues and the Shocking Court Judgements on Elections in Nigeria, by Frank Oseya, Esq., featuring Mike Ozekhome, SAN.
  54. Seminal Bites for Success
  55. Seminal Bites for Posterity
  56. In The Sands of Time
  57. In The Eye of the Storm
  58. Speaking Truth to Power
  59. Expressions of a sage.
  60. Philosophical Musings.
  61. Fescrift vol. 1 (In honour of Mike A. A. Ozekhome, SAN).
  62. Fescrift vol. 2 (In honour of Mike A. A. Ozekhome, SAN).
  63. On Judicial Integrity – Legal Essays and Materials in Honour of His Lordship, the Honourable Justice S.O. Uwaifo, CON, KSC, – Chapter 13: Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Recipe for Poverty Reduction and Development.
  64. Justice on Sands of Time and History – A Review of Selected Judgements of Hon. (Mr.) Justice Kumai Bayang Aka’ahs JSC, – Chapter 4: Jurisprudence of Substantial Justice Re-defined: A review of some of the Thought Provoking Judgements of Justice Kumai Bayang Aka’ahs Justice of the Supreme Court.
  65. Essays in Honour Hon. Justice Mary Ukaego Peter-Odili, GFR, DSSRS, Justice of the Supreme Court, – Chapter 4: Women’s Right Protection under the Nigerian Constitution: New Paradigms and the way Forwarded by Chief Mike
  66. An Uncommon Jurist: Understanding Hon. Justice B.A. Adejumo, OFR, Through the Cases – Chapter 11: National Union of Hotels V. Bureau of Public Enterprise – By Dr Mike Ozekhome, SAN, OFR, FCIArb, Ph.D, LL.D.
  67. The Jurisprudence of Nigerian Constitution: Essays in Honour of Professor Auwalu Hamisu Yadudu – Chapter 4: Referendum as an Effective Tool in Actualising an Autochthonous Constitution in Nigeria – by Chief Mike A.A. Ozekhome, SAN, OFR, FCIArb, LL.M, Ph.D, LL.D.
  68. The Diamond at the Bar: A Chronicle of Lessons and Values from the Life of Aare Afe Babalola – Forwarded by Professor Mike A.A. Ozekhome, SAN, CON, OFR, FCIArb, LL.M, Ph.D, LL.D, D.Litt. and Chapter 36: Aare’s Imprint in the Legal Profession are Inerasable.
  69. Founder and Editor-In-Chief Supreme Court of Nigerian Monthly Digest of Judgments (SCNMDJ) (A Law Report series) (1986-1988).
  70. Founding Assistant Editor (with Chief Gani Fawehinmi (the Founder and Chief Editor), Nigerian Weekly Law Reports (N.W.L.R.) (1985).
  71. Member, Editorial Board, Times Law Reports (1986 – 1992).
  72. Member, Editorial Board, University of Ife Law Reports (UILR) (1982 – 1983)




  1. The A-Z and 24 “Dos” and “Don’ts” of How to Fight Corruption.
  2. 62nd Independence Anniversary: Nigeria in Search Of An Endearing Political Structure
  3. The Place of Education In A Crisis-Ridden Nigeria (10th Convocation Lecture Of The Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti (ABUAD)).
  4. A World Quarantined by Plagues, Epidemics and Pandemics
  5. Constitutionalism And Democracy in Nigeria
  6. Constitutionality Of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act
  7. Enforcement Of Fundamental Human Rights Under The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.
  8. Human Rights, Justice Sector Reforms, Rule of Law and The Fight Against Corruption
  9. Impeachment Proceedings Under The 1999 Constitution
  10. Institutionalizing The War Against Corruption – New Approaches to Assets Tracing and Recovering
  11. Integrity And Human Rights Protection in Nigeria
  12. June 12 And My Humble Involvement in The Struggle for Democracy in Nigeria
  13. Just What Is Wrong with The Black Man?
  14. Legislating For Integration, Development, Growth and Environmental Impact Assessment in the Niger-Delta: A Review of The NDDC Acts, 2000
  15. Mentorship For Young Lawyers: Getting It Right from The Beginning
  16. My Views on The Constitutionality or Otherwise of The New AMCON (Amendment) Act, 2019
  17. Nigeria: A Country Inebriated with Needless Public Holidays.
  18. Nigeria’s Dire Need for Restructuring: The Urgency Of Now
  19. Nigerian “Politricks” and the Nigerian “Politricians”
  20. On Whom Vests the Constitutional Power to Declare Public Holidays?
  21. Paradigms Of Good Governance and Credible Elections
  22. Powers, Limits, And Extent of Appropriation in Budget Matters by The Nass Vis-A-Vis the Role of the President
  23. Presidentialism Under the Nigerian Constitution
  24. Protecting The Legal Profession from Extinction, Adulteration and Infiltration
  25. Protest Is a Constitutional Right
  26. Repositioning: Human Rights and The New Normal
  27. Stay Of Proceedings in Criminal Matters: To Be or Not to Be
  28. Summary Of the Contribution on Whether the Consent Provisions in The Land Use Act Constitute A Clog In The Wheel Of Progress
  29. The Agatu Genocide: A Country Undergoing Implosion
  30. The Code of Conduct Tribunal: The Law, The Myth, The Limits
  31. The Constitution and Tenures of The Executive: Matters Arising
  32. The Constitutional Validity or Otherwise of An Elevated Judge Continuing with Part Hard Matters At The Lower Court
  33. The Constitutionality or Otherwise 0f Using Electronic Card Reader in the 2015 General Elections
  34. The Evils of War and The Panacea in Restructuring
  35. The Legal Procedure and Constitutional Requirements in Disciplining Erring Students
  36. The Limits of The President’s Power to Declare a State of Emergency and Remove Elected Governors Of States
  37. The Need to Have One Term for Elected Executive Office Holders.
  38. The Prosecutorial Powers of The Attorney General of The Federal Republic of Nigeria Under The 1999 Constitution of The Federal Republic of Nigeria
  39. The Role of The Church in Nation Building
  40. The Role of The Constitution in An Emerging Democracy
  41. The Senate, And the Mace in A Hazy Mace
  42. Understanding The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of Nigerians
  43. What Are Executive Orders?
  44. What Are the Challenges Faced by the Legal Profession in Nigeria Today?
  45. What Founders of Church and Ministries Must Know About the Law
  46. Entertainment is the Next Hope for Nigeria after Oil.
  47. Human Rights, Justice Sector Reforms, Rule of Law and The Fight against Corruption.
  48. Nigerian Democracy: From There to Here, From Here to Where?
  49. Federalism, Judiciary and a New Constitution
  50. The 2014 National Conference.
  51. The Role of Civil Society and the Media in Evolving Sound Democratic Culture.
  52. The Making of the Nigerian Constitution and The Rule of Law.
  53. Democracy and The Rule of Law.
  54. Youth Empowerment: A Panacea for Sustainable Development.
  55. The Challenge of Purposeful Leadership in Nigeria.
  56. Role of Lawyers in The Enforcement of The Legal and Human Rights of People Living with AIDS (PILWHA).
  57. Journalism and the Right to withhold Sources of Information
  58. Mentorship for Young Lawyers, Getting it Right From the Beginning.
  59. The Legal Profession in Nigeria Today: the Challenges for Tomorrow’s Lawyers.
  60. Political Alliances and Party Merges. Pros and Cons vis-a-vis the absence of Political Ideology.
  61. A Practical Guide Investigative Journalism.
  62. Nigerian Football from Problems to Solutions.
  63. Alternative Dispute Resolution: How Effective?
  64. Claims And Disputes in Contract Law- Causes, Problems and Solutions.
  65. Maritime Law in Nigeria Since 1960.
  66. Brutality Against Women- Legal Remedies.
  67. Should The Death Penalty Be Abolished in Nigeria?
  68. Legal Liability of Contractors and Clients in Industrial Operations.
  69. Delayed Prosecution and Extra Judicial Killings- The Deadly Implications.
  70. Traffic Laws and Enforcement Implications.
  71. Nigerian Society and Cultism – The Students’ Perspective.
  72. The Civil Society.
  73. A Jurisprudential Analysis of Human Rights.
  74. The Jurisprudence of Fair Hearing.
  75. Consumer Protection- The Right of Every Nigerian.
  76. Challenges Of Purposeful Leadership in Nigeria.
  77. The Role of Intellectuals in Nation Building with Respect to African Culture.
  78. The Impact of Freedom to the New Africa.
  79. The Role of the Bar and Bench in Fostering Accountability in Democratic Governance.
  80. Democracy in Africa: Issues and Challenges.
  81. Irrevocable Power of Attorney.
  82. Constitutional Democracy and the Use of Organised Corrective Force at the Disposal of the State.
  83. The Legal Status of Military Regimes: Nigeria as a Case Study.
  84. Budgetary Appropriation: Between the National Assembly and the Executive, Who Has The Greater Say?
  85. Does the National Assembly Have the Power to Stop The CBN from Printing Higher Denomination Notes?
  86. Extending the Frontiers of Constitutionalism: Should Constitutions Contain Only Legal Rules Stricto Sensu?
  87. Tampering With the Specialised Nature of the National Industrial Court of Nigeria is Dangerous and Retrogressive.
  88. The Emerging Role of ECOWAS Court in the Sustenance of the Rule of Law, Justice Administration, Good Governance and Community Integration in West Africa.
  89. Class Action Litigation in Nigeria.
  90. The Judiciary and Traditional Institutions Towards Peace and Conflict Resolution.
  91. Law as an Instrument of Social Engineering: The Gani Fawehinmi Example.
  92. A Review of Bankruptcy Law in Nigeria: A Case for Special Commercial Courts.
  93. Equity, Justice and Fair Play: The Road to Justice.
  94. Credible Elections: The Electorate and Good Governance.
  95. Contemporary Challenges in Nigeria: A Focus on Inter-Religious Relations, Inter-Ethnic Problems and Anti-Corruption Fight, With Emphasis on the Role of Parliamentarians and Peace Ambassadors.
  96. Jurisdiction of Courts Over Cross-Border Crimes and Transactions.
  97. The Original Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal.
  98. Historical Development of Modern Law of Contract.
  99. An Appraisal of the Lawyer’s Duties to Client, Society, Other Lawyers and the Court.
  100. The Need for Effectiveness of the Disciplinary Process of ICAN in the 21st Century.
  101. Locus Standi Relating to Doctors’ Mandate to Treat Patients.



 He has been variously documented and cited in several biographies, amongst which are “Who is Who in Nigeria”, by Newswatach Publications Ltd; “Who is Who” in the World, by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England; “Who is Who in Edo State”; “Who is Who in Afenmai land”; “Who is Who in Etsako”; and  “Who is Who in the Legal profession”. Ozekhome has been cited and awarded Medals of Honour by the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, England, as “One of the Great Minds of the 21st Century”;  “One of 2000 Intellectuals of the world”; “One of the 100 Outstanding Personalities of the 20th Century”;  and also as “International Man of the Year” award for 1999 and 2011. In 2012, the General Assembly of the United Cultural Convention (UCC) honoured him with the “International Man of the Year award”.


For his sustained and acclaimed works on the Nigerian project as a Nationalist and Pan-Nigerian, Ozekhome has been severally honoured with traditional and chieftaincy titles by traditional Rulers across the length and breadth of Nigeria. Some of these honours by the Monarchs include perhaps, the most famous, the Akpakpa Vighi Vighi of Edoland (the Generalissimo), a revered traditional chieftaincy title conferred on him by all the traditional rulers in Edo State on 2nd March, 2002. He is the Asebigwe, Oliha and Ogbenigwadidi of Weppa Wanno Kingdom; the Enobakhare of Benin Kingdom; the Adenomo of Auchi Kingdom; the Ezomo of Okpekpe Kingdom; the Ada Idaha Ke Efik Eburutu (the Pillar of Strength of the Efik Kingdom); the Baloro of Igando, Lagos; the Ohama Dike 1 of Obibi Ochasi, Imo State; the Olunagbor of Uzairue; the Oduevho of Okpella; the Okaku of South Uneme; the Okporokpo 1 of Oleh Kingdom, Isoko, Delta State; Ukinovha of Emailand; Ikemba 1 of Isiukwuato, Abia State; the Aimotokpe of  Okpe Kingdom; Agbamofin of Ijanikin Kingdom, Lagos State; the Onwanitilora of FCT, Abuja; the Oghiakhiniamie of Ekperi Kingdom; the Aare Maiyegun Bamofin of Ido Osun, Osun State; amongst others.



Married with children to a lawyer and gender crusader, Lady (Dr) (Chief) Josephine Mike Ozekhome, LL.B (Hons), B L., LL.M, LSM, D.Sc. Prof Mike Ozekhome, a teetotaler, is a total and complete family man who believes in deep family values and unity. He usually unwinds by being with his family; engaging in sports; swimming; music and dancing. Ozekhome also relaxes by reading; writing and engaging in hot arguments and debates. He is deeply involved in humanitarian and philanthropic works; providing for the poor, the needy and the most vulnerable of the society. He takes deep pleasure in travelling and sight-seeing to discover the world. A lover of nature and flora, Ozekhome cares for and nurtures pets, fish and plants of all descriptions.



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